Monday, November 16, 2015

Prepare Your Vehicle for Winter

Summer has faded, the leaves have fallen and winter is on the horizon. With winter comes sledding, snowmen, ice-covered lakes, and hot chocolate, but it also brings a couple months of dangerous driving. At Tenvoorde Ford, we want to help you prepare for winter driving with some tips to get your car ready to take on the winter season.

The best course of action is to plan ahead. It is important to be ready for the snow to come at any time, especially when you live in Minnesota.
  • Check your radiator - either on your own (if you know how) or with a professional. Make sure to add antifreeze if needed.
  • It’s never fun when you use windshield wiper fluid and it freezes instantly. Buy a wintertime mixture and keep it in your car in case you run out.
  • Check your tires. Your tires will directly impact how your car can handle the snowy season. Make sure your tires have enough traction or replace your current tires with winter tires for added traction for the icy roads. You’ll also want to make sure the air pressure in your tires is at a normal level.
  • Never go below a half tank of gas. During the winter it is important to keep your gas tank near full at all times, which will help avoid ice in the tank and fuel lines.
  • Consider replacing your windshield wipers with winter wipers. Winter wipers have rubber coverings which keep ice from collecting on the blade providing you a clear view.
  • If you have a car with rear wheel drive, put a couple of bags of sand in the back to add extra weight to your car. The extra weight helps increase traction on your back wheels.
Plan longer trips thoroughly ahead of time. Check the weather before you leave; if it calls for a snowstorm change your plans to avoid dangerous road conditions. After all, there’s no destination so important that you need to put yourself or your family at risk to get there.

Now that you know what you need to do, go do it! Don’t wait another day as winter is fast approaching. Most winter problems come from the driver simply not being prepared and finding themselves in a situation that could have easily been avoided. Visit for more information on preparing for winter driving.

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