Driving in the winter can be a dangerous task for Minnesotans but your risk can be lowered by following a few simple steps before starting your journey on the snowy roads of Minnesota.
Share the roads with snowplows
Snowplows take up most of the road and affect a driver's vision while clearing the roads, but just remember they are making the roads safer for you. Be patient with snowplow drivers and stay back at least 5 car lengths so you can avoid the snow cloud that trails behind them. Slow down for the road-clearing vehicle and stay alert, as they tend to exit frequently and the warning signs can be difficult to see.
Some drivers forget what could be on the roads in the winter and don’t adjust their driving, which is what causes most accidents. Slow down and allow extra space between you and other vehicles. Avoid driving while tired to make sure you are focused on the task at hand when driving through a storm. Take away the distractions from your car and put away the cell phones.
Check your vehicle
Get your vehicle ready for the winter with a maintenance check-up. Make sure your windshield wipers are prepared for the weather and your tires have traction to bare the icy roads. Don’t forget to put your ice scraper in your car. Lastly, it is not a bad idea to keep washer fluid effective to –24.8 degrees and don’t let your fuel level go lower than half tank.
Be prepared
Have emergency supplies with you. This includes a charged cell phone or spare battery, non-perishable food, water, flashlight, blanket, warm clothes, winter boots, jumper cables, shovel and traction mats or sand.
Stay home in bad conditions
Don’t go out on the roads if you don’t have to. There is no point putting yourself and others at risk if the conditions are too much to bare. You may be able to drive in rough snow, but others might not be so fortunate. Check the weather before making travel plans to avoid any disappointments or major delays.
Put yourself and family first this winter season and take precaution when going out to drive. If you are looking to get a new vehicle to tackle Minnesota winter driving conditions, visit Tenvoordeford,com to check out our selection of new and used vehicles. Stay safe out there!
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