Friday, May 31, 2013

Beat the Heat with Summer Car Care

Summer is great time road trips and travelling. However, the heat can take a toll on your vehicle. If it breaks down while you’re on the road, you’ll either need to depend on roadside assistance or fend for yourself. Avoid such situations by following these summer maintenance tips:

Fluid Maintenance – the summer heat can really throw your car’s fluid systems for a loop. The higher temperatures can cause the fluid to expand and put greater stress on hoses and similar components. Your two main concerns will be coolant and oil. In the summer heat, your car will depend on coolant more than ever – so it’s important to inspect for leaks and make sure the levels are topped off. It’s also a good idea to change your oil and oil filter to help your car run smoothly. If you drive an older model car, you should ask your mechanic if you should switch to a thicker oil blend – which will offer better engine protection and will flow smoothly in the increased heat. This isn’t normally an issue for new car models or those using full synthetic blends.

Tire Check – tires are also affected by summer because the heat can increase the tire pressure by causing the air to expand. Maintaining the right tire pressure for your vehicle model is important. Too little tire pressure increases the chance of a blowout and the wear and tear the tire accumulates. Too much tire pressure reduces vehicle handling and traction. Both lower your vehicle’s MPG. Refer to your owner’s manual to make sure you are driving with the correct tire pressure (don’t forget to check your spare tire as well). If you are using winter tires, switch back to summer tires for optimal performance.

A/C Tune Up – While not important for keeping your vehicle running, A/C is important for keeping you comfortable. And summertime is when it will get the most use. There are many parts that can malfunction and lower your A/C output, including the condenser, compressor, valves, vents, and temperature sensors. You’ll want to make sure the entire system gets a professional inspection to avoid any problems through the summer.

Wiper Replacement – Depending on where you live, summer might be your region’s rainy season. The decreased visibility while driving in the rain can increase the risk of accident. But, a fresh pair of wiper blades can mitigate this. If it’s been many years since you changed your wiper blades, you’ll definitely notice a difference during your first downpour.

Courtesy of

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